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7 Things You Should Know About the GA:6 Legal Committee by İnci BAKIRLI

Are you in a LEGAL committee and confused about what to do? Here is some information about GA:6 LEGAL:

1. The LEGAL committee requires learning new terms

In your first legal committee, and especially if the agenda item is suitable, you are going to learn many new things about international law, such as the names of international courts or some protocol names. You can use this information to make it easier for you to join other LEGAL committees.

In other General Assembly committees this may not be the case, your odds of learning this many new things are lower due to the fact that agenda items are usually not as challenging as GA:6 LEGAL.

2. What can you do to make it easier for you?

There is a simple explanation for this. If your study guide is not well prepared and your chair is not really experienced, LEGAL committee can be especially hard since you may not write some of the classic things that you would write on a resolution, and if no one in your committee knows how to make a LEGAL resolution your job will be hard. So you should pick conferences that are qualified especially in the GA6: LEGAL committee.

3. LEGAL is a special committee

In the LEGAL committee, you have the chance to offer changes in international law itself and this can be really exciting if you do proper research about the topic and think about the changes you want to make before the conference.
If you succeed you can create a block, represent your country well, and may win an award for your hard work.

4. LEGAL can help you follow your dreams

If your dream is to study international law, this is the committee that you should be joining. And it’s not because of the things you learn, it’s because of the people you meet. For example, I met an international law student who sent me PDFs about the topic to help me study, but these kinds of things can only happen if you choose a conference that has qualified chair board members and an international delegate profile. You can benefit from online conferences or maybe even travel abroad to be in a conference with great delegates that are interested in international law.

5. LEGAL can be hard for a first-timer

Although this can change on the topic, some of LEGAL’s agenda items are not things that you can discuss upon when you’re just learning about the basics of MUN because the problems are not things that you usually encounter in your life, like some of the committee’s that focuses on other topics are.

In my own first time, the topic was about refugees and because it was something that I observed in my own country, I had the chance to contribute to my committee, but in LEGAL, the topic may be “Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction in Conflict Area“ like it was in my first LEGAL committee.

6. In the process of preparing for the Legal committee,

1. Make sure you understand every new term,
2. Read the study guide well to understand the concept,
3. Don’t try to memorize everything, write it down.

7. Don’t forget to have fun in this new experience

Because no matter what you do in the committee, if you’re respectful and kind you can make new friends and have fun. Use this opportunity and don’t stress about the committee.

I hope my article is useful in your GA6 committee adventure!

Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section!


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