
Summer Time MUN Conference Suggestion: MMBALMUN’18 by Elis Odabaşı

Summer Time MUN Conference Suggestion: MMBALMUN’18 by Elis Odabaşı

Summer Time MUN Conference Suggestion: MMBALMUN’18 by Elis Odabaşı. Hello, my MUNER friend, it’s me your favourite Writer Elis Odabaşı! It has been a long time since I wrote my last article but I have come with great news! I’m here to mention a conference for all of those who are looking for a summer break and a great MUN experience at the same time! Say hello to MMBALMUN’18.

Okay, let’s start with mentioning some facts about MMBALMUN’18. This conference is held by Muhittin-Mustafa Böcek Anatolian High School between 9-11 June at Antalya Bilim University. It has 5 committees that are all for from intermediate to advanced delegates to enjoy this astonishing conference. Including SOCHUM, UNOCD, Colonization of Mars and JCC Reform: Roman Catholicism vs Protestantism.

The agenda items are interesting and debatable for delegates who loves SPICY DEBATES! I’ll be chairing at the JCC Catholic church cabinet along with my favourite and only ICRH (International court of redheads) member Lal Defne Saygılı. In my eyes, this conference has a strong and ambitious academic team plus a great organization.

 The MMBALMUN’18 Team is working extremely hard in order to make this conference as efficient and enjoyable for delegates as possible. They are the utmost one of the best team that I’ve ever met. Their team is so admirable and I am honoured to be included in their academic team. For further information, don’t forget to check out their website!

Elis Odabaşı

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