Tips on How to Conduct a Successful MUN Conference: Organization Team by Mert KARAÇAM. When we decided to organize our school’s very-first MUN Conference who would’ve known that we will lose our minds, sell souls and have our share of the whole concept of “MUN Drama”. Since she was my first USG -she is the best- and my mentor in the MUN World, It is quite normal for Ece Nart to be the one who I shared the news first. It was 2 A.M. and I had called her to get some tips on how to conduct a successful MUN Conference. Each advice she has given me was precious but there was one that I now understand much better. “Organization Team refers to the “Model” in Model United Nations and it is the heart of every conference,” she said to me.
Now, I understand better what she meant by those words. Organization Team is mostly comprised of the back-stage heroes that usually we do not interact within the conferences. But they do exist and they repel all kinds of crisis and problems occurring throughout the preparation process and in the duration of the conference. Whenever I go to a conference, Academic Team would be the team people are appreciated the most but after being a Director-General I noticed all the things Organization Team was responsible for. The Organization Team is responsible for creating the right environment for the academic team to simulate UN.
By no means, I am not underestimating the Academic Team. Academic Team is indispensable. The whole purpose of this Article is only to demonstrate the importance of the Organization Team in conducting a successful conference and express my great appreciation for them. From carrying that water bottles to your desks to after-parties and socials we all enjoy, Organization Team is in everywhere. When you are a member of the academic team, there are timetables and you have a schedule that you can adapt yourself into but Organization Team is the team that works with external resources, you always have to schedule yourself according to others programs and this takes a lot from your personal life. And since Organization Team mostly works with the external resources we can’t have control over the crisis or problems we face. So we do have to act fast and clever, otherwise, the crisis might affect the whole conference.
Another thing that makes the Organization Team’s work harder is that the fact we mostly have to act together in every case. As an example If the organization is planning for a social they should communicate with finance and programming or when we even just think about the after-parties that we all love, it requires all team to work together. An organization should come up with ideas people will like, logistics should find the most suitable place and finance should estimate the money that will be spent on this event. On the other hand, Academic Team is a much smaller team when it is compared to the Organization Team therefore if a decision should be made concerning a committee, we can say there are fewer check-up points which make the process easier.
In conclusion, both Academic and Organization Team are vital for a MUN conference to proceed perfectly but due to the fact we do interact with our Academic Team more and Organization mostly works behind the scene, we do forget to appreciate their hard works and efforts for us they have the best experience possible. So I would like to dedicate my first article to my Organization Team for their great efforts and enthusiasm to make our conference the best. Thank you all!
The Writer of
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